Sample Letter of Support for Individuals for the US Highway 27 Ecopassage
If you are an organization, we suggest that you use our sample letter for organizations.
Please copy this letter, fill in the indicated information, and send to the addresses on the main Lake Jackson Ecopassage Page. Thank you for your support!
For supplementary information, please refer to the Lake Jackson Aquatic Preserve Roadkill Fact Sheet
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version of this letter in Microsoft Word
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as a PDF
I wish to express my enthusiastic support for the construction of a permanent ecopassage along U.S. 27 at Lake Jackson. The highway forms an impassable barrier to turtles, frogs, snakes, and other wildlife and negatively impacts the ecology of the lake ecosystem. The area has the highest documented road mortality and attempted crossings of turtles that has ever been recorded worldwide.
The ecopassage should span the entire lakefront and consist of a set of wildlife underpasses and guidewalls similar to the successful design utilized on Paynes Prairie. Such a system will divert wildlife away from the travel lanes to safe passage beneath the highway. The ecopassage will not only make the highway safer for wildlife and protect the Lake Jackson ecosystem, it will improve motorist safety and enhance the aesthetic character and public enjoyment of the area.
I congratulate the Florida Department of Transportation, Leon County, other elected officials, and all cooperating agencies in their current efforts to resolve the effects of U.S. 27 on Lake Jackson and strongly encourage the expeditious creation of a permanent ecopassage.
We are counting on you to help the people of Florida protect the environment upon which we all depend.
Thank you very much.